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Sumatra Single-Serve Cups - Select Coffee Crafters LLC

Select Coffee Crafters LLC

Sumatra Single-Serve Cups

Regular price $17.50
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12 Single-Serve cups, compatible with Keurig 1.0 and 2.0 Machines.

Rich. Flavor notes of this coffee are Baker's Chocolate, Black Licorice, and Cedar.

The Sumatra Takengon IKA is sourced from the Jagong Mill and surrounding family-owned farms located in the Takengon and Atu Lintang coffee region of Aceh province on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Irham Junus owns and operates the Jagong Mill with his son, Andi, and daughter, Ina. The Junus family has focused on meticulous ripe cherry selection resulting in something truly unique in Sumatra. The Junus family also has full control of the processing and milling right up to the final export stage, avoiding the long and convoluted supply lines that can compromise Sumatran quality.